4 Ways to Lessen Business Travel Stress

4 Ways to Lessen Business Travel Stress was originally published on Firsthand.

Business travel is key to the continued success of any company, no matter its size. Traveling to meet potential clients or close deals are vital elements of any business organization. And to make these meetings a success, the travel aspect of these meetings needs to be as smooth and stress-free as possible.

To help you do just that, below are four ways you can turn a business trip into a serene journey—from departure lounge to your return flight.

1. Upgrade when you can

If you're a cash-savvy traveler, you might not like the idea of shelling out some extra money for an upgrade. But they're sometimes more than worth the additional spend.

For example, if you're travelling a long distance, say, over six hours, and you'll have to contend with jetlag, then an upgrade with extra legroom or even a flatbed will be worth its weight in gold, as you'll be better rested for the important meetings you'll be having upon landing at your destination. You might even be able to bag yourself a free upgrade on certain flights. So make sure to ask!

2. Take some time for sightseeing

If you're an international business traveler, you might become well-versed with seeing the less salubrious sights of the destinations you travel to. Whether it's the interior of a conference room in Tokyo or a trading estate on the outskirts of Los Angeles, traveling halfway around the world just to see the bland side of these places can be more than a little dispiriting.

This is a prime reason why you should seek to extend any business trip to include a visit to a prime destination. If you don't have to be back in the office straight away, then why not take the weekend to see the sights. Or even a mid-week day off. This will beat back the worst of jet lag and help you have a more equitable work-life balance.

3. Choose the right meeting location

Sometimes, ideas and conversations flourish when meetings are moved to a more inspiring, beautiful location. A business trip gives you a perfect opportunity to eschew a bland conference center for something a little more eye-catching.

From meetings over coffee with a view of the New York skyline to countryside retreats to promote idea generation, thinking outside the box in this regard may well pay dividends in the future. Just make sure work is the overarching focus and all attendees can easily get to wherever you choose to hold your unorthodox meeting; otherwise, this could be a source of undue stress.

4. Have everything seamlessly packed and organized

When you're on a business trip, your journey has a purpose—and any impediment to this can spell disaster. Whether it's a delayed train from the airport to the city center or a low-quality hotel you booked in a hurry online, you should make sure everything is as seamless and hassle-free as possible.

So, in the planning process, leave no stone unturned by thoroughly researching airport transfers, the range of accommodation available, and packing everything you need for a seamless journey.

This should include noise-canceling headphones to block out airplane noise, a portable phone charger to ensure that you're never out of contact with the head office, plus any other comforts that'll allow you to stay relaxed and on top of your game while on your trip.

So, wherever you're headed on your business voyage, make sure to travel with a clear frame of mind, which will undoubtedly lead to success in whatever venture you find yourself in.

Nick Ball is Marketing Manager at Optima Villas and has lived on the island of Lanzarote since 2001.

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